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15th Anniversary Art Competition

15th Anniversary Art Competition

Are you a young artist? The UK Supreme Court is calling all 15-18 year old artists in the UK to create artwork, inspired by the Court, to celebrate its 15th Anniversary.

The chosen artwork will be displayed to the public at the Supreme Court building in Parliament Square, London.

The closing date to digitally send in your artwork is Sunday 28th July 23.59pm. We are looking forward to seeing all your amazing art!

Terms and conditions

Who can enter? This is a free, open submission exhibition for students aged 15-18 studying in the UK. Families of Supreme Court staff and Justices cannot take part.

What kind of artworks are included? We welcome works on paper, small canvases and small, light sculpture. Paper and canvas artworks should be a maximum of A3. Sculpture should weigh a maximum of 1850g and be a maximum of 30cm high and 20cm wide.

Subject of artwork? Artwork should focus on the UK Supreme Court building or the judicial system. Artwork should not parody or satirise the law.

Can I create an artwork in the Supreme Court? You can, drawing is allowed in the Court building.
For more information - Visiting The Court - The Supreme Court

How should artwork be sent? Submissions should be made digitally. Send an image of your work alongside your name, title of the work and the dimensions of your work. Files should be no larger than 5MB.
Submissions can be made via Dropbox Art Competition

When is the deadline? Sunday 28 July 23:59pm 2024

Who will judge? Artworks will be judged by a panel including Dinah Casson, British interior designer and founder of Casson Studio, another museum professional and Vicky Fox, the Chief Executive Officer of the Supreme Court.

Who has copyright? Artists retain copyright. The Supreme Court retains the right to use images of the artworks for promotion.

When will selected artists be notified? Artists will be notified in September and asked to send or deliver their artworks to the UK Supreme Court, Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3BD.

Where will the exhibition be? Artworks will be displayed on site at the UK Supreme Court.

When will the exhibition be? 4th November 2024 to 28th March 2025

Selected artists will need to collect their artwork within 2 months of the exhibition closing.

Discover more about the The Supreme Court